Tuesday, June 2

Sunday Suppers

I really shouldn't share this blog with you since it puts my own food photography efforts to shame. Absolutely gorgeous photography, great cooking tips (like how you're supposed to clean mushrooms) and of course, recipes to follow along. A blog after my own heart and stomach.

However, I am not too terribly jealous since I belong to a fabulous Supper Club whose members surprise and wow me every month with their culinary skills. One thing I'm going to work on after seeing Sunday Suppers is setting a nicer table. Flowers make all the difference.

Looks just like our Supper Club!
If we planned ahead more, we'd have a printed menu, but for now I enjoy the element of surprise.
The soft pastels and natural elements in this setting are so pretty.
Biscuits and flavored butters. Yummy.
{all photos from Sunday Suppers}

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