This weekend, we took a mini roadtrip to Louisburg, Kansas and visited with farmer winemakers, Stephen and Kristin Graue at Middlecreek Winery. In addition to grapevines, they also grow peaches, apples and persimmons. Having not grown up in the country, I always find the little details of farm life so fascinating.

Like this giant pile of horse poop. I should have worn my wellies!

George - always ready to cheese it up on farm equipment.

These two horses lived across the road
from each other, and must be best buddies
because they "talked" to one another
the whole time we were there.
The white one was also plop, plop, poopin'
while I was taking his picture. :)

What a ham! He was following me around waiting for a photo op!

It's been so warm this November.
The flowers are confused and blooming again.

Cute but stinky dog and his house.

They even have their own honeybees.
I love the blue, white and cream of their hives.
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