Monday, July 2

Midwest Bachelorette Party

My next-door neighbor Kristie was chosen to host a bachelorette party at her house, but we needed a slightly bigger space to eat dinner, so the party shifted a bit to the left to my house. The bride-to-be, once upon a time, lived across the street. It speaks volumes about how great my block was, is and continues to be everyday, as we move in and out of each other's lives and continue to be friends.

Rebecca and I excitedly pulled out all our Vintage Vessels to set the table for dinner under the tin roof. I focused on linens, silverware and hauling chairs; Rebecca worked on flowers while Kat, Kristie and Tiffany were chopping, blending and making delicious drinks and salads inside. We were hot, sweaty messes but it was really worth all the effort. The table looked beautiful and the bride and all her guests loved it.

These are just a few of the flowers and the table half set. We really should have taken more pictures as the night went on, but by then we were deep into another bottle of champagne and just ready to sit and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

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